Won.pe URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

This shortener is not recommended
Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 0.99$ Lowest: 0.99$ Average:  $0.99 (equal)

Won.pe is closed


Won.pe has an improved interface, emphasis on security with authentication in 2 steps, and without becoming exorbitant, its rates are great for all countries. From € 2.5 (we speak of euros) for any country not mentioned in your tables. Allows traffic for adults. The counterpoint is that it only sends payments through bank transfer (for a minimum of € 15) and Payoneer (from € 10).

This is a shortener not recommended. After a long time of requesting my payment, it was marked as suspended. No reason was given and no reason exists. Also, having contacted the support, no response was received.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 30$, Bank transfer from 100$, Skrill from 15$ and Papara from 10$ minimal withdraw.

PaypalBank transferSkrillPapara

Not complies conditions Withdrawals from $ 10 Monthly payments 30 days delay

(Payments will be made between 20-28 of next month)

Counts 1 visit per IP   (inaccurate information).

Allows adult content

Based on Unknown. Working since . Added 2496 days ago ()

Top Recommended paying shorteners:

lanzame logo
#1 - Lanza.me: More than a shortener; metashortener. undefined votes.
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#2 - Shrinkforearn.in: Shortener that pays. undefined votes.
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#3 - Linkslice.io: New shortener. undefined votes.
linksflame logo
#4 - Linksflame.com: New and excellent shortener. undefined votes.

Latest updated payment rates:

The rates on this shortener were automatically converted from euro to US dollars.
Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 0.99$
Country Current rates Before rates

Payments proofs:

None proofs

They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs View shorteners with payment proofs.

No. of users on Lanza.me

3 users

10 less users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 78th among the other shorteners..

Approval on Shorteners.net:


Most recent changes:



| won.pe

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