Web1s.com URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

The rates for this shortener are hidden behind Cloudflare. They might not be up to date.
This shortener is not recommended
Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 0$ Lowest: 0$ Average:  $0 (equal)

Web1s.com : Versatile Vietnamese shortener.



Web1s is another link shortener that pays. Like nearly all of the URL shorteners listed on shorteners.net, Web1s allows us to earn income for every visit that accesses the target addresses through its short links. It achieves this through advertising that appears on its intermediate pages. Once the minimum payout threshold for the chosen payment method is reached, we can request the withdrawal of our earnings.

Web1s.com allows purchasing advertising to create advertising campaigns to be displayed on the intermediate pages of the shortener.

It's important to note that both the terms of service and privacy policy are absent on Web1s.com. The pages dedicated to these aspects are completely empty, which represents a significant lack for users of the link shortening service. This lack of information prevents editors and site administrators from establishing clear guidelines on what actions are permitted or not, constituting a significant negative point.

A notable feature of Web1s.com is its structure of multiple earning levels, which share similarities in their general operation but vary in the number of intermediate pages, the display of ads, and the counting of visits per IP address within a 24-hour period. Each level has different rates and can be configured globally or individually for each link.

Related to the previous point, Web1s also allows itself to be used as a paste (text notes), in conjunction with short links, which expands the possibilities of this paying link shortener.

The lack of presence on social media platforms by Web1s.com could be seen as a negative sign. Having accounts on social platforms provides a way to obtain detailed information and updates on the link shortening service, as well as to identify potential user issues in real-time. However, it's worth noting that the service does have channels on YouTube and Telegram.

An additional disadvantage of Web1s.com is its exclusive availability in Vietnamese, without offering the option to change the language. This may hinder understanding certain sections of the shortener's control panel, even when using a translator, for those who do not speak the language.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Bank Transfer (only for Vietnam) from 20$, MoMo from 20$, Paypal from 20$, Payeer from 20$, Web Money from 20$, Thẻ Cào Điện Thoại, Game from 20$, ZaloPay from 20$, ViettelPay from 20$ and Payoneer from 20$ minimal withdraw.

Bank TransferMoMoPaypalPayeerWeb MoneyThẻ Cào Điện Thoại, GameZaloPayViettelPayPayoneer

Payment not verified yet Withdrawals from $ 20 Daily payments 7 days delay

(Payment will be sent to your withdrawal account on business days no later than 7 days after request. They pay daily if the total amount is at least $20. You can lower your payment threshold by $1 by upgrading to a paid membership level.)

Counts 1 visit per IP   (Unspecified).

Based on Vietnam. Working since . Added 691 days ago ()

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Other shorteners with same owner / Related:

Latest updated payment rates:

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Payments proofs:

? proofs

Cloudflare prevented the payment proofs for Web1s.com from being analyzed. View shorteners with payment proofs.


The Web1s.com shortener has several domains:

  1. web1s.com
  2. web1s.co
  3. web1s.io

No. of users on Lanza.me

2 users

12 less users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (14). Its position is 127th among the other shorteners..

Approval from external sources


The approval of Web1s.com by external sources is 0%. With a total of 1: 1 say it's scam (100.00%). 0 say it's unrated (0.00%). 0 say it's legit (0.00%). 0 say it's new (0.00%). The sources are third-party sites with at least one page dedicated to this shortener.

Approval on Shorteners.net:


Most recent changes:


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