V2links.com URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

The rates for this shortener are hidden behind Cloudflare. They might not be up to date.
This shortener is not recommended
Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 22$ Lowest: 3$ Average:  $4.46 (equal)

V2links.com : New shortener.



V2links.com operates like other URL shortening services to earn money. It uses an intermediary page with advertisements that users must skip to access the final link. In return, V2links.com compensates us for each visit generated, depositing the earnings into our account. Once the minimum balance is reached, we can request withdrawal through available payment methods.

A negative aspect of V2links.com is that both the terms of service and the privacy policy are absent from its pages. Not even pages for this information are provided. Users of the shortener cannot know what is possible and what is not. However, there is a Rules page in the control panel that does indicate what type of traffic we can use. Nevertheless, the privacy policy remains completely nonexistent in this shortener.

The lack of V2links.com accounts on any social media platforms could raise concerns, as having a presence on these networks allows users to access up-to-date information about the link shortener and to verify if other users are experiencing issues in real-time.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Airtm from 5$, bKash from 5$, Payeer from 5$, Paypal from 15$, Bitcoin from 50$, JazzCash from 50$, UPI (only for India) from 50$, Paytm from 2$ and Bank transfer from 50$ minimal withdraw.

AirtmbKashPayeerPaypalBitcoinJazzCashUPIPaytmBank transfer

Payment not verified yet Withdrawals from $ 2 Daily payments 7 days delay

(No information is provided about payments except for; Generally we pay daily and, if there is a technical problem, we pay twice a month (sic).)

Counts 1 visit per IP   (As specified in the FAQ section.).

Based on Anonymous. Working since . Added 343 days ago ()

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#1 - Lanza.me: More than a shortener; metashortener. undefined votes.
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#2 - Shortxlinks.com: New shortener. undefined votes.
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#3 - Shrinkforearn.in: Shortener that pays. undefined votes.
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#4 - Upshrink.com: New shortener. 87 votes.

Latest updated payment rates:

Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 4$
Country Current rates Before rates

Payments proofs:

? proofs

Cloudflare prevented the payment proofs for V2links.com from being analyzed. View shorteners with payment proofs.


The V2links.com shortener has several domains:

  1. v2links.com
  2. v2links.me

No. of users on Lanza.me

0 users

14 less users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (14). Its position is 0th among the other shorteners..

Approval on Shorteners.net:


Most recent changes:


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