U3O URL shortener review & rates:

This shortener is not recommended
Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 12$ Lowest: 3$ Average:  $3.23 (equal)

U3O : A reliable shortener.



U3O is a recent but already reliable link shortener, belongs to the same administrator of other shorteners with good work so far. Highlight their rates for whatever the country of the visit.

Uii.io is a paid link shortener that has a long history. Although it is not very popular now, in its beginnings it was very promising. It is not that any problems have occurred to it, surely this is due to the fact that other shorteners have managed to overcome this one.

However, Uii.io was and still is a recommended paid link shortener, and no wonder; Great payment rates, as well as high confidence that your payments will arrive, are compelling reasons. Payments arrive in less than 24 hours and the rates are high for whatever country the links come from.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 5$, Payoneer from 5$, Payeer from 5$ and Airtm from 5$ minimal withdraw.


Not complies conditionsWithdrawals from $ 5 Daily payments 4 days delay

(Or less. Never delayed)

Counts 1 visit per IP   (unspecified).

Based on Panama. Working since . Added 2299 days ago ()

Top Recommended paying shorteners:

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#1 - Lanza.me: More than a shortener; metashortener. undefined votes.
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#2 - Shrinkforearn.in: Shortener that pays. undefined votes.
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#3 - Btcut.io: New and re-opened registration!. undefined votes.
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#4 - Exe.io: Probably the best shortener. 857 votes.

Other shorteners with same owner / Related:

Approval on Shorteners.net:


Average time between pages:

74.0 secs.

Calculated on a total of 48315 visits through Lanza.me's meta-shortener. -37.6 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners.

No. of users on Lanza.me:

68 users

56 more users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 6th among the other shorteners..

Updated Payout Rates:

Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 3$
Country Current rates Before rates

Rates obtained on


El acortador de U3O tiene varios dominios:

  1. uii.io
  2. pss.pw
  3. szs.pw

Most recent changes:


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