TMS Cash (
Marked closed automatically on Tue, 06 Dec 2022 04:02:33 GMT
TMS Cash is a URL shortener with which you can earn money. Its operation is like that of the vast majority of services of this type; It shows an intermediate page with ads with which we are paid for each visit that arrives at the destination link. Once the minimum payment is reached we can request the withdrawal by the selected methods.
TMS Cash has not yet been included in the main list. However, its prompt inclusion is expected due to good references and payment rates for publishers.
NOTICE: Unfortunately, it is not possible to register normally in the system because no form for registration appears. It is probably due to a technical failure with an easy solution but it is also very possible that they have not even noticed this problem yet.
Working from 2019-12-02 and added from 2020-02-23. TMS Cash link shortener has not yet been included in the main list of This is because we are not yet analyzing their rates and therefore we can not show them always updated. If you want it that way and you think it's a legit url shortener you can vote for its inclusion using the vote button.
1 2 3 4 5 years!
Top Recommended paying shorteners:
No. of users on
0 users
13 less users on's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 0th among the other shorteners..
There may be technical problems:
Detected on 2022-01-01, expected to resolve on unknown date
Unreachable destination link: The intermediate pages have lost the functionality and style making it impossible to navigate through them
Approval from external sources
The approval of TMS Cash by external sources is 0%. With a total of 2: 2 say it's scam (100.00%). 0 say it's unrated (0.00%). 0 say it's legit (0.00%). 0 say it's new (0.00%). The sources are third-party sites with at least one page dedicated to this shortener.