Shrinkearn URL shortener review & rates:
Shrinkearn : One of the most reliable shorteners.
It's a recent shortener that pays that it's getting a lot of attention. It has a good reputation, obtaining positive ratings from Internet users. The site is fast and the support seems to be quite attentive.
Payments can be requested in principle every day, although the option can be disabled when due to the high volume of requests these payments are accumulated. This situation is indicated on the site.
Accepts all kind of traffic (faucet, download softwares & movies, torrent etc.) except adult traffic.
Shrinkearn is a highly recommended shortener. At the time of writing this text, it has been running for 4 years and in all that time it has never had any problem, not even delays, with payments. He zero excuses for zero problems. It's is a wonder.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 8$, Payeer from 4$, Tether (tokens TRC20, 1$ fee) from 10$, Tether via Binance Pay (tokens not specified) from 5$, Bitcoin (1$ fee) from 10$, WebMoney Z from 4$, Airtm from 4$, Perfect Money from 4$, PaySera from 5$ and UPI (only for India) from 5$ minimal withdraw.
(The payment is then sent to your withdraw account during business days no longer than 4 days after requesting)
Other shorteners with same owner / Related:
Updated Payout Rates:
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Rates obtained on
Payments proofs:
None proofs
They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs
Average time between pages:
102.9 secs.
Calculated on a total of 18767 visits through's meta-shortener. -11.2 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).
The Shrinkearn shortener has several domains:
Approval on
Most recent changes:
No. of users on
101 users
89 more users on's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 4th among the other shorteners..