Repayone URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison
Repayone ( is closed
Repayone is link shortener that works just like the other shorteners to earn money; It shows an intermediate page with advertising that visitors must skip in order to access the destination link, with this Repayone will reward us with income in our account for each of the visits.
Free accounts do not have all the options you would expect. For example; We will not have the possibility to use the API to shorten links or any other tools that we can find in the section dedicated to it. There is also a limit for creating short links; 10 links per day and 220 links per month.
For several days in August 2019, the site was without a security certificate for secure connections, which caused the user's browser to show a warning that prevented the normal functioning of the links. After returning to normal and proving to be little transparent and communicative, the shortener worked again as before. However, and at least in my case, my user account was deleted or blocked, unable to log in. This shortener is no longer recommended for it
Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 3$, Skrill from 3$, Payeer from 2$, Western Union from 100$, Payoneer from 50$, Bank transfer from 25$, Vodafone Cash from 2$, Google Play gift card | code from 10$ and Amazon gift card | code from 10$ minimal withdraw.
(Every month withdrawal button will be available from 16 to 20 and you will recieve your payment from 21 to 23 in the same month.)
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Payments proofs:
None proofs
They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs View shorteners with payment proofs.
The Repayone shortener has several domains:
No. of users on
0 users
13 less users on's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 0th among the other shorteners..
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Are your links broken now?
Avoid these problems in the future using is a link shortener and meta-shortener that allows you to change your short links as many times as you want. This allows you endless possibilities, increasing your income and reducing the time you need to do it. Plus, it's free.