Pubiza URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

The rates for this shortener are hidden behind Cloudflare. They might not be up to date.
This shortener is not recommended
Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 5$ Lowest: 0.05$ Average:  $0.34 (equal)

Pubiza : Shortener that pays.



Pubiza is a paid link shortener. It does this by showing ads on its intermediate pages. Each visit you receive on your URLs generates benefits for you. To request payment you must achieve the minimum necessary for the payment method you have chosen.

We find in this shortener several extra methods to earn money. First we have the conventional mode as we have indicated in the first paragraph. In a similar way we have the Content Locker option. With this method we can block the passage of visits to the destination link. In order to access, they will have to comply with one of the indicated actions, which is usually a subscription or purchase type action.

Another alternative methods present in this shortener is obtaining affiliate links. To do this, we must use links to certain sites with which we can earn income with certain user actions. These actions are also usually subscriptions and purchases.

Also, and without shortening links, we can use ads. Among them we have the intro and flash ads. Full-screen advertising to use on our websites. This pop-up ad is cost-effective separately and is shown only once per hour with each visit. The ad will be posted on your site for 8 seconds and the user will be able to close it. With these method, your ads will show without your visits being redirected to the advertiser's site.

There is one thing about Pubiza that must be noted; Both the terms of service and the privacy policy are non-existent in this shortener. The pages that are provided and linked to the home for these two matters mentioned are totally empty. This is a very negative point for shortener users since it is not possible to know what can and cannot be done, both by the editors and by the site administration itself.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 10$ and Papara from 10$ minimal withdraw.


Payment not verified yet Withdrawals from $ 10 Monthly payments 7 days delay

(Your earnings will be added to your wallet at the end of each month. If the amount in your wallet reaches the minumum payout limit, you will get paid in 7 days after the month ends.) Automatic payments

Counts 1 visit per IP   (Unspecified).

Allows adult content

Based on Turkey. Working since . Added 1198 days ago ()

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Latest updated payment rates:

The rates on this shortener were automatically converted from Turkish lira to US dollars.
Country Current rates Before rates

Payments proofs:

? proofs

Cloudflare prevented the payment proofs for Pubiza from being analyzed. View shorteners with payment proofs.


The Pubiza shortener has several domains:


No. of users on

3 users

11 less users on's metashortener than average (14). Its position is 88th among the other shorteners..

Approval from external sources


The approval of Pubiza by external sources is 100%. With a total of 3: 0 say it's scam (0.00%). 2 say it's unrated (66.67%). 1 say it's legit (33.33%). 0 say it's new (0.00%). The sources are third-party sites with at least one page dedicated to this shortener.

Approval on


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