Ouo.io URL shortener review & rates:
Ouo.io : One of the most historic shorteners.
Ouo.io might have been the best-known shortener of his time. His payments are and were great, however, it had problems with his PayPal account. These problems were remedied virtually one by one and today I think that almost could say that Ouo.io works and pays normally.
Ouo.io went through problems with Paypal. These blocked his account and there was a time when he could not pay. Fortunately from the first moment the users of this shortener did not lack information to know how the recovery process was going and the status of their payments. Finally, Ouo.io sent all pending payments.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 5$, Payoneer from 5$ and Payeer from 5$ minimal withdraw.
Approval on Shorteners.net:
Average time between pages:
59.5 secs.
Calculated on a total of 2662 visits through Lanza.me's meta-shortener. -52.1 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners.
No. of users on Lanza.me:
114 users
102 more users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 2nd among the other shorteners..
Updated Payout Rates:
Country | Current rates | Before rates |
Rates obtained on
El acortador de Ouo.io tiene varios dominios:
- ouo.press
- ouo.io