Oke.io URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison
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Marked closed automatically on Thu, 06 Jul 2023 23:58:03 GMT
Oke.io has one of the largest CPM for all countries. It shows an intermediate page with captcha, plus another one below with a few seconds of waiting. Unlike other shorteners, and even though it is a clone of the same system that most shorteners use, Oke.io knows how to give a different touch to its graphical interface, although actually the features are the same as we can find in any other. Even so, it is a very remarkable shortener, both for its fees and the treatment of its payments, as well as the variety of the latter. Support is available only in English.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 5$, Payza from 5$, Skrill from 5$ and Bitcoin from 5$ minimal withdraw.
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Payments proofs:
None proofs
They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs View shorteners with payment proofs.
Average time between pages:
80.3 secs.
Calculated on a total of 6 visits through Lanza.me's meta-shortener. -34.8 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (115.1 secs.).
No. of users on Lanza.me
5 users
8 less users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 54th among the other shorteners..
Approval from external sources
The approval of Oke.io by external sources is 0%. With a total of 9: 9 say it's scam (100.00%). 0 say it's unrated (0.00%). 0 say it's legit (0.00%). 0 say it's new (0.00%). The sources are third-party sites with at least one page dedicated to this shortener.
Approval on Shorteners.net:
Most recent changes:
Are your links broken now?
Avoid these problems in the future using Lanza.me. Lanza.me is a link shortener and meta-shortener that allows you to change your short links as many times as you want. This allows you endless possibilities, increasing your income and reducing the time you need to do it. Plus, it's free.