Linkvertise ( URL shortener
Linkvertise is not just another URL shortener with which it is possible to earn money. Linkvertise is a link shortener with unique technology, which allows it to stand out from all existing shorteners on
Broadly speaking, Linkvertise works in the same way as other shorteners; visits will have to go through one or more intermediate pages that include ads, which are what will allow us to earn income with each visit.
Although its operation is like that of the vast majority of services of this type; shows an intermediate page with advertising with which we are paid for each visit that reaches the destination link, it does so in a different way. Once the minimum payment has been reached, we can request the withdrawal through the selected channels.
Linkvertise was down or in trouble, as at the time of this writing, where a server error is being displayed when accessing the site.
However, Linkvertise acquired, the parent company of and shorteners, in September 2022. A service with 13 years of operation and an exceptional track record.
Working from 2017-09-09 and added from 2019-11-30. Linkvertise link shortener has not yet been included in the main list of This is because we are not yet analyzing their rates and therefore we can not show them always updated. If you want it that way and you think it's a legit url shortener you can vote for its inclusion using the vote button.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 years!
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NaN less users on's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 155th among the other shorteners..