Linksly URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

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The rates for this shortener are hidden behind Cloudflare. They might not be up to date.
Recommended through the meta-shortener.
Position in the ranking: 21 Payout Rates: Highest: 21$ Lowest: 3.5$ Average:  $3.78 (equal)

Linksly : New shortener.


Demo's paid link shortener is very similar to most other shorteners; visits to our links will have to cross their intermediate pages to reach the destination link. These intermediate pages have advertising, so Linksly will add revenue to us whenever a visit reaches the destination. Our earnings will accumulate in our Linksly account without any limit or expiration and when we have reached the minimum amount for our preferred payment method, we will be able to request payment.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 3$, Payeer from 3$, Paytm from 3$, Skrill from 20$, Bitcoin (Blockchain Fee) from 20$, Bank transfer (only for India) from 20$, Tether (USDT, 3 USDT network fee) from 20$, Perfect Money (USD) from 5$ and PhonePe | Tez | BHIM | UPI from 3$ minimal withdraw.

PaypalPayeerPaytmSkrillBitcoinBank transferTetherPerfect MoneyPhonePe | Tez | BHIM | UPI

Complies conditionsWithdrawals from $ 3 Daily payments 1 days delay

(No more info is provided.)

Counts 1 visit per IP   (Visitors must be unique within 24 hours).

Based on India. Working since . Added 1641 days ago ()


Other shorteners with same owner / Related:

Latest updated payment rates:

Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 3.5$
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Payments proofs:

? proofs

Cloudflare prevented the payment proofs for Linksly from being analyzed. View shorteners with payment proofs.

Average time between pages:

132.3 secs.

Calculated on a total of 3586 visits through's meta-shortener. +18.2 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).

No. of users on

5 users

8 less users on's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 60th among the other shorteners..

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