URL shortener review & rates: is merged with web1s
Marked closed automatically on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:12:14 GMT
On 2024-01-01, was merged with A message in the control panel announces the closure of the shortener. There is a tutorial on how to convert links to the new shortener
Link1s Paid Link Shortener works like most other money-making shorteners out there. Through one or more intermediate pages with advertising, visitors will have to go through to access the destination link. With each of them we will get income that Link1s will add to our account. When you reach the minimum necessary balance, you can request their withdrawal through any of the multiple payment methods available on the platform.
Link1s has several features that differentiate it from all other shorteners. To get started; It has several earning methods; These levels are similar in general, but they can have more or less intermediate pages and count different number of visits per IP. They can be established at a general or individual level for each link and each of them has different rates.
In addition, the referral system of this shortener consists of several levels. They are nothing more than 6 levels with which to get income with our referrals. In the first level we will receive an equivalent to 20% of the earnings of our guests, while in the rest of levels we will receive 3%.
The payments of this shortener, to this day are not registering delays, all of them being received within the established time.
Definitely; Link1s is a highly recommended shortener that is standing out from others.
Payments are sent using the following methods: MoMo from 10$, Phone Card (for Vietnam) from 3$, Paypal from 10$, Payeer (10% fee) from 5$, WebMoney from 10$, Perfect Money from 100$, Payza from 100$, Skrill from 100$, Bitcoin from 500$ and Bank transfer (for Vietnam) from 10$ minimal withdraw.
(The payment is then sent to your withdraw account during business days no longer than 7 days after requesting.)
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There may be technical problems:
Detected on 2023-10-01, expected to resolve on unknown date will be closing soon. According to an announcement on the shortener's website, will stop working soon. There is a method to change links to another shortener from the same owner.
Updated Payout Rates:
Country | Current rates | Before rates |
Rates obtained on
Average time between pages:
74.5 secs.
Calculated on a total of 2 visits through's meta-shortener. -39.6 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).
No. of users on
6 users
6 less users on's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 49th among the other shorteners..
Approval on
Most recent changes:
Are your links broken now?
Avoid these problems in the future using is a link shortener and meta-shortener that allows you to change your short links as many times as you want. This allows you endless possibilities, increasing your income and reducing the time you need to do it. Plus, it's free.