Linclik URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

This shortener is not recommended
Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 1$ Lowest: 1$ Average:  $1 (equal)

Linclik : New and good rates.



Linclik has a good CPM for all countries. It shows an intermediate page with captcha, plus another one below with a few seconds of waiting. It is not a very popular shortener, but neither is it repudiated by anyone, so we can consider it a reliable shortener, at least as long as it exists.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 3$ and Payza from 3$ minimal withdraw.


Not complies conditionsWithdrawals from $ 3 Undefined frequency of payments days delay


Counts 3 visit per IP   (indicated, but no extra information).

Based on United States of America (domain protection). Working since . Added 2643 days ago ()

Top Recommended paying shorteners:

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#1 - More than a shortener; metashortener. undefined votes.
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#2 - New shortener. undefined votes.
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#3 - Shortener that pays. undefined votes.
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#4 - New shortener. 87 votes.

Latest updated payment rates:

Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 1$
Country Current rates Before rates

Payments proofs:

None proofs

They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs View shorteners with payment proofs.

No. of users on

2 users

12 less users on's metashortener than average (14). Its position is 99th among the other shorteners..

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