GPlinks URL shortener review & rates:
GPlinks : New shortener.
GPlinks is a link shortener that pays. How in all these cases, users who visit our shortened links with this shortener will have to go through one or several intermediate pages to access the destination link. This intermediate pages contains advertising, where the profits come from, and surely a captcha as a security measure to validate the traffic. For each visit we will generate income and we will be able to charge them once we reach the minimum to make the withdrawal by the available means. You can find below the payout rates for publishers.
To be able to withdraw our money it is necessary to complete with personal information all the fields of the form that appears in Settings section.
Apparently, Gplinks does not have, or does not have linked to, social media profiles (despite having icons for it on its main page). This is a bad indication, since it prevents us from knowing complaints from other users, updates to the shortener without entering it or knowing what may be happening in the event of a service outage.
In all other respects Gplinks is a decent service, with terms of service pages, privacy policy, DMCA form, and even a proof of payment page.
On September 19, 2022 an interesting update has been made in Gplinks, notified by email to all users: "Now you will receive your withdrawal amount in your account in minutes. Instant payments mode for Paytm, bank transfer and UPI is available. activated. For other payment methods such as Amazon Gift Card, Tron, PAYEER, Payoneer, PayPal, bKash, etc., the process will take 30 minutes."
The message continues: "GPlinks UI is improved. We've removed GPlinks' unwanted ads and popups to shorten link pages. Please visit GPlinks and explore our new UI." It seems from this message that part of the Gplinks users had stopped using the platform.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Wire transfer (international, fees depends upon bank) from 5$, Payeer (0.5% fee) from 5$, Donate (for poors, no fees) from 5$, Tether (USDT, 1 USDT fee) from 5$, Payoneer (3% fees) from 5%, Paypal (2% fee) from 5$, Bitcoin (BNB Smart Chain -BEP20-, fees may vary depending upon the Network) from 5$, Tron (TRX - TRC20, fee 1 TRX) from 5$, Google Play gift card | code (No Fees) from 5$ and Amazon gift card | code (No Fees) from 5$ minimal withdraw.
(Instant payments For Paytm, Bank transfer and UPI . Amazon gift card, Tron, Payeer, Payoneer, PayPal, bKash etc. will take 30 minutes for process.)
Other shorteners with same owner / Related:
Updated Payout Rates:
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Rates obtained on
Approval from external sources
The approval of GPlinks by external sources is 100%. With a total of 7: 0 say it's scam (0.00%). 2 say it's unrated (28.57%). 5 say it's legit (71.43%). 0 say it's new (0.00%). The sources are third-party sites with at least one page dedicated to this shortener.
Average time between pages:
64.8 secs.
Calculated on a total of 802 visits through's meta-shortener. -49.3 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).
No. of users on
19 users
7 more users on's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 17th among the other shorteners..
The GPlinks shortener has several domains:
Approval on