Fox-url URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

Position in the ranking: 1 Payout Rates: Highest: 10$ Lowest: 2$ Average:  $2.54 (equal)

Fox-url ( is closed


It's a recent link shortener that pays and works just like everyone else; showing an intermediate page that the visitor must jump to the destination link to access and thereby reward us. It has however, the largest repertoire of payment methods ever seen in a shortener.

It has all the restrictions that most shorteners, not accepting content traffic for adults, faucets and similars.

WARNING: It is important to note that it does not pay users who break the rules, and this also affects those who share content protected by copyright.

Allows the creation of advertising campaigns from and for the same system.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 1$, Payeer from 1$, Payza from 20$, Skrill from 20$, WebMoney from 15$, Neteller from 30$, Bitcoin from 5$, Dogecoin from 5$, Perfect Money from 5$, Bank transfer from 1.000$, Western Union from 100$, Money Wallet from 15$, Orange Money from 1$, Orange Balance from 3$, Vodafone Cash from 1$, Vodafone Balance from 3$, Egyptian Postal from 50$, Etisalat Floos from 1$, Etisalat Balance from 3$ and Algérie Poste from 10$ minimal withdraw.

PaypalPayeerPayzaSkrillWebMoneyNetellerBitcoinDogecoinPerfect MoneyBank transferWestern UnionMoney WalletOrange MoneyOrange BalanceVodafone CashVodafone BalanceEgyptian PostalEtisalat FloosEtisalat BalanceAlgérie Poste

Complies conditionsWithdrawals from $ 1 Daily payments 4 days delay

(Or less. Consecutive payments are made in 1 day)

Counts 1 visit per IP   (unspecified).

Based on Egypt (probably). Working since . Added 2090 days ago ()


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#1 - More than a shortener; metashortener. undefined votes.
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#2 - New shortener. undefined votes.
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#3 - Shortener that pays. undefined votes.
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#4 - New shortener. 87 votes.

Other shorteners with same owner / Related:

Latest updated payment rates:

Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 2$
Country Current rates Before rates

Payments proofs:

None proofs

They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs View shorteners with payment proofs.

No. of users on

0 users

14 less users on's metashortener than average (14). Its position is 0th among the other shorteners..

Approval on


Most recent changes:




Are your links broken now?

Avoid these problems in the future using is a link shortener and meta-shortener that allows you to change your short links as many times as you want. This allows you endless possibilities, increasing your income and reducing the time you need to do it. Plus, it's free.

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