Ex-Foary URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison
Ex-Foary : New shortener.
Ex-Foary's paid link shortener works like most other money-making link shorteners out there today. The intermediate pages with advertising are the key, each of the visits must go through them to access the destination URL. For each of these actions we will earn income that will accumulate in our Ex-Foary account. Once the minimum amount is reached, we can request the withdrawal of the profits using any of the payment methods that Ex-Foary has for it.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 3$, Bitcoin from 3$, Payeer from 1$, Vodafone Cash from 1$, Etisalat Cash from 1$, Orange Cash from 1$ and Vodafone Balance from 1$ minimal withdraw.
(No more info is provided.)
Latest updated payment rates:
Country | Current rates | Before rates |
Payments proofs:
2 payments
2 payments made in the last 7 days. The date of the most recent payment is Saturday, November 30, 2024 (3 days ago).
Average time between pages:
214.9 secs.
Calculated on a total of 1 visits through Lanza.me's meta-shortener. +100.8 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).
No. of users on Lanza.me
2 users
10 less users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (12). Its position is 105th among the other shorteners..
Approval on Shorteners.net: