URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison

Site is OK and is Legit!
Recommended through the meta-shortener.
Position in the ranking: 36 Payout Rates: Highest: 15$ Lowest: 1.5$ Average:  $1.81 (equal) : New shortener.

Demo is a paid link shortener. It does this by showing ads on its intermediate pages. Each visit you receive on your URLs generates benefits for you. To request payment you must achieve the minimum necessary for the payment method you have chosen.

There is one thing about that must be noted; Both the terms of service and the privacy policy are non-existent in this shortener. The respective pages do not exist or are not linked on the home page. This is a very negative point for a evaluation of the shortener. Users who choose this shortener should be aware of this aspect. does not have social media accounts, which could be a bad indication. Having social media accounts allows users to learn more about the shortener's details and updates, as well as check in real time if there are other users with problems in the same. has a "faucet mode". When this feature is enabled, users are not sent to the destination link after reaching the daily view count limit. Instead, they are redirected to a page explaining that they have reached the limit. It also has a "Limit Report" option; When this feature is enabled, all users will be sent to the destination, but with a query string (?limitReached=limit) appended to the URL if they have reached the limit. This selection takes priority over Faucet mode.

Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal from 25$, FaucetPay from 1$ and Bank transfer from 100$ minimal withdraw.

PaypalFaucetPayBank transfer

Payment not verified yet Withdrawals from $ 1 Daily payments 7 days delay

(The payment is then sent to your withdraw account during business days no longer than 7 days after requesting.)

Counts 3 visit per IP   (As indicated in panel control message (on the rates page they indicate 10 but the message is later)).

Based on Panama. Working since . Added 802 days ago ()



Latest updated payment rates:

Has Worldwide deal payout rate: 1.5$
Country Current rates Before rates

Payments proofs:

20+ payments

20 (or more) payments made in the last 7 days. The date of the most recent payment is Friday, January 17, 2025 (4 days ago)..

Average time between pages:

182.1 secs.

Calculated on a total of 1186 visits through's meta-shortener. +68.0 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).

No. of users on

12 users

1 less users on's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 28th among the other shorteners..

Approval on


Most recent changes:



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