ClicksFly URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison
ClicksFly : Came back after closing.
ClicksFly is another paying URL shortener. As is common, this is done by showing an intermediate page that includes advertising and that all visits must pass in order to access the destination link. Each visit is remunerated and thus, once the minimum threshold to request payment has been reached, we can demand it so that it can be sent to us by the requested route.
ClicksFly is not a recent shortener, as it was already included in this list a few years ago. However, after less than a year it closed its doors, leaving no one behind and having always paid, despite slight delays. It is therefore a legitimate shortener and offers good results.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Paypal (4% fee) from 3$, UPI from 3$, Payeer (8% fee) from 3$, Payeer (0.5% fee) from 10$ (monthly), Bitcoin (5% + priority network fee fee) from 3$, Bitcoin (no fees fee) from 10$ (monthly), Tether (USDT) via Binance Pay (8% fee) from 3$, Tether (USDT) via Binance Pay (no fees fee) from 10$ (monthly), Tether (8% + 1$ fee) from 12$, Tether (1$ fee) from 10$ (monthly), Airtm (8% fee) from 12$, Airtm (1.5% fee) from 12$ (monthly), Bank transfer (only for India) from 20$, Payoneer (4% fee) from 50$ (monthly) and MyWallet from 50$ minimal withdraw.
(The payment is then sent to your withdraw account during business days no longer than 3 days after requesting.)
Other shorteners with same owner / Related:
Latest updated payment rates:
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Payments proofs:
0 payments
0 payments made in the last 7 days. The date of the most recent payment is Monday, January 6, 2025 (15 days ago)..
The ClicksFly shortener has several domains:
Average time between pages:
152.4 secs.
Calculated on a total of 86695 visits through's meta-shortener. +38.3 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (114.1 secs.).
No. of users on
83 users
70 more users on's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 6th among the other shorteners..
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