10short.com URL Shortener rate analysis and comparison
10short.com is closed
At 10short.com we can find a paid link shortener. This is achieved by displaying advertising on intermediate pages. Users will need to traverse your intermediate pages to reach the destination URL. With each visit we will obtain income that we can request once the minimum for the payment method we have chosen has been reached.
Although we can find the privacy policy at 10short.com, this is not the case with the terms of service. Both pages are provided and linked to the home for only the terms of service presents content. This is a negative point for users of the shortener since it will not be possible to know the actions that we can carry out and, above all, the links that we can shorten.
An interesting feature of 10short is that it provides us with several levels of earnings; These levels are similar in general operation but may have more or fewer intermediate pages or display more or fewer ads of one or all types.
10short.com does have accounts on social networks. This shortener is present on Facebook as well as Youtube. A measure that will be appreciated, above all, if one day the service is down. In this way we will be able to know what is happening to the shortener and when its return is expected.
Payments are sent using the following methods: Tether (tokens TRC20) from 20$, Bitcoin from 30$, Ethereum from 30$, Skrill from 10$, Perfect Money from 5$, Web Money from 5$, Vodafone Cash (only for Egypt) from 1$, Etisalat Cash (only for Egypt) from 1$, Bank Transfer from 250$, Western Union from 250$, Pubg Mobile from 10$, AdvCash from 30$, Payoneer from 50$, Payeer from 1$, Paypal from 5$, Payza from 50$ and Pix (only for Brazil) from 25$ minimal withdraw.
(The payment is then sent to your withdraw account during business days no longer than 1 day after requesting.)
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Payments proofs:
None proofs
They could not be analyzed because there are no public payment proofs in this shortener. View shorteners with payment proofs View shorteners with payment proofs.
Average time between pages:
119.3 secs.
Calculated on a total of 586 visits through Lanza.me's meta-shortener. +4.2 secs. difference compared to the average of other shorteners (115.1 secs.).
No. of users on Lanza.me
5 users
8 less users on Lanza.me's metashortener than average (13). Its position is 57th among the other shorteners..
Approval on Shorteners.net:
Most recent changes:
Are your links broken now?
Avoid these problems in the future using Lanza.me. Lanza.me is a link shortener and meta-shortener that allows you to change your short links as many times as you want. This allows you endless possibilities, increasing your income and reducing the time you need to do it. Plus, it's free.